Daily Design Bouquet
Daily Design Bouquet
Our signature and favourite arrangement! A selection of the freshest and most beautiful in-season Australian blooms and foliage, artfully arranged with a thoughtfully curated colour palette. By choosing our Design Bouquet you leave the choosing up to us and give us creative control to do what we do best! Images represent a Medium size.
– Each bouquet comes wrapped in planet-positive packaging or presented in a glass vase.
– A complementary hand-written Vase Life gift card is included with each order.
– Free pickup is available from Nambour Heights or Burnside (select option at checkout)
– Delivery charges are between $10-$20 and vary by suburb, calculated at checkout
Colour availability changes week to week, and the colour of the flowers pictured may not be the colour available on the day of delivery. You are welcome to request a specific colour by putting a note in the "delivery instructions" and we will do our best to source this colour for you. Or, place a custom order by email: hello@vaselife.com.au
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